Gwen's Room- Finished!

Well first, hello from my new site- wrenandolivehome. I'm glad you found it. I assumed when I changed my name that it would automatically reroute my subscribers but apparently not, as my dad was sure to point out. So sorry about that.
I thought it appropriate to make my first post on the new site about design. So..since really the only thing I've had going on is/was Gwen's bedroom and I got such great feedback from all of you I thought I'd give show you how it turned out.

So here's mine.


Pretty good, right?
If you remember this photo pretty much won the vote from the previous post which you can see here. Also, it would take less effort on my part to put together- so win, win. :)

Alright- well here's how it went down. I had seen birdcages at Garden Ridge so I went to get one and unfortunately the back was mirrored, I was going to have to paint it, and they were $30!! But I took a deep breath and I put it in my cart but the thrifter inside me was fighting! As I continued to walk around and I went down the kids aisle..and in this pile of iron stuff I see a bird. I was like "hold the phone", pulled it out and was looking at it thinking ok, this could work then I look and see that the price tag had that beautiful red line through it. Half off baby! That's right, it was mine.

Moving on to how I got it from store to wall I must confess I am horrible at taking before pictures and I have a hard time remembering to take "during" pictures. I already started painting here but you can see that it was this worn pale pink color before.
One of you (my faithful and few readers) had the great idea since I loved that coral bed in the inspiration picture that I could paint the birdcage that color. Super great idea.

As you guys get to know me you'll realize that I'm that super picky lady that takes forever to pick out colors. But I found the perfect almost red with a slight orange color I wanted for the coral at Michaels. It's Martha Stewart's Geranium.
I swear one day someone will get on the ball and make every possible shade is spray paint and I promise you- they will make a fortune!

Then I'm off outside to spray a frame gloss black.

The paint was still slightly tacky but I couldn't wait.

Thought I'd throw in a picture of the girl enjoying her new room. (And yes, most days we do put on clothes.)

Side note: use pretty storage, it makes a difference and you don't have to spend a fortune.  Like this chest. I had a chest that I was going to use already but it is solid oak so I knew it would be too heavy for her to open and shut by herself. To save inevitable tears and smushed fingers...I got this woven trunk for all her toys for $29.99 at Ross. Perfect.

So for what you all have been waiting for- 
here is her room after.

And the pretty girl who lives here.

I'm throwing it out there that I am willing to help decorate, accessorize or consult on any projects or rooms in your home for free to help get my name out there. Or even if you just have questions, feel free to contact me.


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