My Last 5 "Pins"

Pinterest. Let me count the ways I love you.
I know I'm not the only one who finds themselves browsing while pumping gas, laying awake at night, (when your husband is talking about football), or when your kids are playing on the playground.
I know sometimes it gets a bad rap about being a black hole of time, which it is...but I find it strangely therapeutic. If I need to get my creativity juices going, need an encouraging quote, need a laugh or need to be inspired I can usually find it on Pinterest. That strangely got deep. Moving on...

I decided a new series on my "My last 5 'pins'". No matter how random or boring.

5. Do these not look delicious?


Were planning on having to remodel our bathrooms (plumbing issues) at some point so I'm always looking for simple, easy, pretty bathrooms. I love the subway tile in the bathtub paired with the dark tile on the floor.

A friend pinned this and I figure if we ever travel here in Texas this would be a great list to check for places to visit. And stuff our faces of course.

This photo I pinned for the bedding and accessories. It's just really refreshing to me.

There are things I find on Pinterest that are just SO ridiculous I can't help myself. This I pinned on my board called: "Please Don't". Like this is a link to cutting your own hair. Please.Don't.


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