Olivia Jordan

Since the last time I posted I had my beautiful little girl...finally! She arrived a few days late which I was surprised since the doctor had been telling me I was going to be a couple weeks early, so you can imagine what I thought when my due date came and went.
I don't know if you'll be interested but I thought I'd tell you the birth story.
My water broke at 5am on October 6th. After I woke Dan up and I convinced him that yes, my water did break, we started gathering our things together and called the neighbors to come over to watch Gwen and got loaded up and left for the hospital. We got halfway there then realized we had forgotten the camera, so we turned around and went home to grab it. We arrived at the hospital around 6 and my contractions still hadn't started so they started running all these tests to see if my water had really broken. After having done 2 tests and the 3rd was at the lab I finally had a large gush in the bed and then they were convinced but still no contractions.
They called my doctor around 7 and he said just to wait and see if my contractions would start on their own before starting me on pitocin. Thankfully they started around 8-8:30.  Contractions continued and I thought I was "rock starring" it, but then they got for real. Then I was trying to decide if I wanted an epidural since the one with Gwen didn't work, but I decided even if it took the edge off it would be worth it. Let me tell you- I now know what all the hype is about! Literally it was painless. I am not exaggerating. Before I had gotten it I couldn't open my eyes I was trying to concentrate on the pain and after I was talking and joking around. To tell you how it was, I sat at a 10 for almost an hour while they waited for the delivery nurse and everyone else to finish next door. When the doctor came he had to tell me when I was having a contraction to push. 2 pushes ladies and gentleman and I met my sweet Olivia at 4:30 in the afternoon.
As you other mothers know that is one of the most amazing and special moments ever. I do have to say it has been quite an adjustment going from one to two. But I do have to say that all my worries about Gwen were wrong. She is in love with her sister! My heart melts every time she says her name, "Ah-la-la". Or when she says "hi, baby" and kisses her head.
Our biggest issue so far has been she wants to be a little momma. As you can see :) But she is a great big sister and loves to help. God has blessed me beyond what I deserve. I have an amazing, healthy and beautiful family.
Welcome to this crazy world, little Olivia! We love you!


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