One Thousand Gifts

I know I am not the only christian that struggles to have their bible time daily, and for me it has literally been going on for years. Over the last year I've been hearing raving reviews over the book, One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp and it sounded amazing and something I need in my life. Recalling and viewing the world with a lens of thanksgiving (that's my description and I haven't read it, so don't judge) :).
Well being the mom to my 2 crazies, I don't really have time to read. If you find me reading it's usually a parenting book continuing to try and find the non-existent holy grail that will work magic on my children.

Anyways... back to my story, I have a friend on FB that posted a picture of her new devotional. One Thousand Gifts Devotional. I decided I wanted to try it and it would probably be the closest I'll get to reading the book for a little while at least.
For the month of Feb. I had another friend create the hashtag #lampandlight as an accountability for women spending time in the Word on Instagram. It was a really great help getting me back into the routine of making that time in the day to spend.

Dan and I were talking about this yesterday because I have just really felt under attack by Satan lately since anytime you have something good going in your life he swoops in to bring you back down. Filling your head with untrue thoughts, waging a war inside your head.
But I guess I just want to encourage anyone who struggles with getting their devotions in, first, be easy on yourself and be practical. I know sometimes we feel like we should be having these deep, revelational, "voice from heaven" devotions everyday and that's not true. I would encourage you if you don't have a lot of time to get a book because it took all the work out of it for me. It has the scripture already written out for me, it's dissected and tells me what it means and how to apply it to daily life. It can take me as little as 10 minutes.

If I get a chance in the morning that's great, but I've taken it outside while the girls are playing, while they eat lunch, on the plane or sometimes I don't get it in until before I go to bed. But I don't beat myself up over it. I am that person that if it doesn't go as planned everything is shot. For example: If I don't make it to the gym in the morning I count the whole day as lost, and it shouldn't be like it. Some time is better than no time (although I still have not overcome the gym thing yet). But I guess what I'm saying is that any time spent with God isn't any better than another. You don't have to try and read the Psalm of the day and try to find meaning and application in "rejoice with the harp and the lyre" in 5 minutes between kid interventions.

 But I hope this is a help or an encouragement to you. Or maybe I am the only one?


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