Toy Storage

Whenever the calendar clicks over to January I always feel the need to purge, organize and clean. And with kids, the toy chest seems to explode overnight and I find it frustrating and causes more mess when everything doesn't have a place. 

So one day I went through all the toys and put everything in piles (during nap time, of course) so I had an idea of what we had and it was the chance to throw away all those little toys you accumulate from McD's, Dr's office etc.
Next I moved an extra chest into the play room and headed to Walmart to get containers for it.
I took all the measurements of the inside got enough containers for the chest. So now all the little stuff has a place. Legos, blocks, Little People, Dora etc.
It now makes it easier to get out 1 set of toys, easier to put it away.
 Out of sight.
Keep my sanity.

Does January give you the bug to start organizing and cleaning? What projects do you have going?


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