Finding Deals

Finding Deals.

Where I might differ from some people is I am a Quantity over Quality, kind of girl. I always have been, I would choose 100 cotton scarves over 1 cashmere or 5 $100 rugs than 1 $500 rug. And if you've seen how many pairs of shoes I own, you know that is the case.
I find myself leaning toward the "trendy" side, by that I mean I use or wear various styles often and not for long. So it's not a huge factor if the skirt or bookshelf will last me a lifetime because I'm not going to want it for that long. That's also why I like to get it on the cheap.
So where am I finding all these deals?
Here are a few of my favorite places.
1. Goodwill
I totally understand shopping at Goodwill can be daunting, and trust me, it takes time. But for me that's party of the thrill, scoring a great find for $2. It's never a "drop in" stop. A rushed trip is an hour. But a warning- don't always buy something just because it's there. Sometimes they overcharge and want more than you could get it somewhere else on sale.

2. Discount Retailers- Ross, Marshalls, TJ Maxx
This is kind of like thrift shopping too. You have to dig but it's a little more organized and not as time consuming. Again, my preference is to find it on the clearance rack (clothes mostly) their home goods are usually pretty reasonable. but I have been known to feel rich at times and pay what they're asking.

3. Target
Oh Target, how many ways can I say I love thee... Seriously I love them but shoot, never pay full price for anything at Target. Just saying. It ALL goes on sale, and there is usually never anything that is just so life changing that I don't want to risk them selling out. Know what I mean? They also have their Red debit card you get a 5% discount (and free shipping), plus they have coupons on their website for home goods and apparel. This gal has some stuff for cheap! Use a $3 coupon on a shirt that's already marked down to $4.97? Yes, please.
4. Old Navy
There are no home items here but easy to find deals. So I'll say it. I like Old Navy. I don't shop there often but when I do I can get stuff for cheap. Especially kids stuff. Oh my word. I also have their credit card and I earn cash rewards when I spend, so sometimes I'm getting stuff there for free. Again, I never pay full price for anything here. Ever. For cardholders they'll do a sale 40% off everything in the store for 1 day a couple times a year, which includes clearance and that's where I save BIG. I get the girls clothes for literally between $.50-$5. Get kids flip flops here. They're cheaper and better than Target, 2/$5. Anyway, I can get stuff for everyone that's trendy and a great deal.

Obviously it's hard to plan to shop this way, it's usually happenstance that I'm even there so things that make it a little easier when I'm out and stumble upon a deal is to:
1. Know what have/need
Because you will be forever frustrated if you decide to go to goodwill and find a black pencil skirt or a certain sized picture frame. I've found 99% of the time, If I'm looking for something specific I won't find it. haha. (isn't that life?)
2. Know what styles look good on you/for your home
After logging many hours of shopping and trying things on I've gotten to the point I can usually look at something and it's shape and have an idea as to whether it will look good on me or not. There are SO many cute things out there and for good deals but that doesn't mean you need them all, especially in your home. Otherwise you will have so many styles competing it will never look cohesive.  
3. Not be afraid to try something new
This piggybacks on the point above. If you're not sure about something, it doesn't hurt to try. You might be pleasantly surprised how something might look on you. That's the beauty of finding deals, you don't have to beat yourself up if it doesn't work out. Buy those ceramic dog statues and spray paint them pink- you never know. Might be the best mistake you ever made!


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