A Step to keep Organized

For me, anything to help keep me organized and from forgetting things is great. But if it's ugly, I won't be very excited to use it. I have been in the market for a new day planner but I hadn't been able to find one that provided all my needs and was cute.
So when I roaming one of my favorite stores, you know I'm talking about Target, I came across these -oh so cute- gold foil polka dot binders. Must.be.mine. Next to them they have calendar inserts and folders. Could this be more perfect?
With the great pockets I got for the inside, wouldn't it be perfect to be able to pop the grocery list, coupons, tickets or a reminder in there? On a previous trip I found this super adorbs notepad in the $1 spot. I really do love that store... ;)
I bought it but wasn't exactly sure what I would do with it because it wasn't magnetic. I checked and it would fit perfectly on the back inside flap of my new binder. Score. A little bit of heavy duty foam tape (because that's what I had) and voila. A place to keep my rambling thoughts all in one spot.

Washi tape, anyone? I jumped on the bandwagon, and I'm not looking back. It adds a little fun, pep and personality to my day planner! Plus, it's so versatile, from wrapping gifts to labeling leftovers.
Have you found a perfect solution to keep your life sane?


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