Calling all Moms, Teachers and Creative Wizards!

Alright Moms,
I wasn't really planning on posting today I was just going to ask this question as a status on fb but realized it would be way too long. 

So here's the deal. My child has inherited her father and I's addictive personality, and also because she's 3 she has no self control. So when it comes to electronics, tv, tablet, cell phone etc. she becomes one of those 22 yr old boys who lock themselves in their mom's basement and play video games all day and urinates in 2 liter get the picture. It's not pretty and when you tell her time is up- meltdown ensues. But momma loves a break sometimes or wants a shower so it would be nice if she could entertain herself by using one of these wonderful modern day inventions.
With all that said, I need to find a way to limit her time and to give her something she wants and I want. I want a well behaved child and she wants screen time. 
I've been scouring Pinterest this morning to find some sort of chart that would suit my needs or spark an idea for something that I could make fit my needs. But I'm not really coming up or finding anything. That's where you all come in to help me out. :)

Here are my needs:
-A system that I can give and take away depending on behavior.
-Depending on points/earnings she can earn from 15-60 minutes of screen time.
-Something that she would get excited about and could be involved with.
-Simple enough for her to understand by use of pictures or something similar.

-Maybe a jar system where you can add and take away.
-A smiley face chart.

How strict should I be? 
-Take away for meltdown, fit, timeout, spanking, talking back? 

Do you use a chart system for anything? What do you use? Do you have any ideas? I would love to hear your ideas, anything would definitely be appreciated.


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