Designer Wrapping on a Budget

I am one of those people that likes everything done to a certain level. If it can be prettier than that's how we'll do it. And of course if I had unlimited resources!! But you do what you can :) 
I had been dreaming of seeing this under my tree, but my practical (cheap) side wins every time.

I really like using craft paper for a lot of things, to ship things, wrapping etc. And the versatility of it is pretty endless. And you know me, I found a few rolls at a thrift shop a while back for 25 cents a roll- so I had a stash :)
 Pinterest has a lot of great ideas for wrapping and here is one I loved and would have totally done something similar, but it was for my girls and I decided I needed to do something more for them. See, I do some kid things for them!
I wanted each one to be unique and different. Here's a peek under our tree.
I didn't want to spend any money on wrapping, I mean not even a penny on wrapping when I know if all gets thrown away. So I began with my bucket of ribbon- yes I keep it all. 
I began wrapping and as I was finished I realized I wasn't going to remember who's was who's so I went through and got my scrap booking stickers and drew a line with a pencil and spelled out their names with stickers.
I think they turned out cute and whimsical. 
And does it get much better than to see their faces Christmas morning?
So whether you are wrapping for birthday gifts, or are storing up ideas for next year just remember even the little things you can make special without spending money.


  1. I like the craft paper better than traditional wrapping paper. Most wrapping is way too busy and gross.


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