A Mom's (almost) Heaven on Earth

I wonder if any of you could guess of where I was referring to in my title...
I probably don't need to say anything else and you know what I mean. This post is going to sound like an ode to Target and maybe it is.
But where else can you go where you tell your husband you need to run out and get some milk and 4 hours later you're still slowly perusing the aisles (that's if you go kid free).
You walk in and you grab your much needed, much deserved SB and on your way back to the dairy section is when you decide to see what new "pretties" they put out because remember, your kid free. Then shoot-you forgot to do laundry and Susie needs clean socks for school, grab those. Then you try to head back to dairy then you see those clearance racks... An hour later you finally make it back to a main aisle then you see those dern diapers you always seem to be out of, then you get "the text". You know the one, "are you ok?" it snaps you back to reality so you check your watch- Ohmygosh, I've been in here for 3+ hours? You then sprint to the dairy section, make a mad dash to the check out and the $3 gallon of milk turned into $80, oops.
Dontcha just love Target? I know our husbands have the exact opposite feeling. :) But I know it's this stay at home mom's mini vacay sometimes. Here's a few pretties I snapped while on a "vacay".

Is Target possibly a little Heaven on Earth for you too? 


  1. you better believe it, sister! :-) I'm currently ogling a gorgeous lampshade...and cute clothes...and that sunburst mirror is adorbs. :-)


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