Apartment Makeover: The Bedroom

I've got to say, I think the bedroom turned out really great. Bekah knew she wanted to place the bed in front of the window to A: make it look bigger and B: to block some of the sunlight. 
Tip/Sidenote: if you have the space if you enter the room and you face the bed, the room will look bigger. 
{yes, were missing a lampshade. 
couldn't find one the right size}
First thing we did was have Dad hang her curtain rod and curtains which she already had, and that cool headboard? Yeah, Bekah found those panels at a flea market and Mom and Dad made it into a headboard. 
Next I knew we needed something to anchor the 2 sides of the bed and immediately and the obvious choice, nightstands. We looked on craigslist, online and stores but you have to remember-I'm cheap. And they all just wanted too much. Being that I live in a small house I always try and think of new ways to get storage and I love small dressers in lieu of nightstands and I immediately thought of the Malm collection at Ikea. But they wanted $80 and x2, ehh. Then a couple pages down they have a knockoff of their own dresser and they were $40 a piece. Done and done. Now let me tell you, these are not quality, everyday use, pass down to your grandchildren pieces. Thus the price. But they were perfect for what we needed.

Gorg mirror, again Ikea. 

We also added a little reading area, aka: where you throw all your clothes when you're too tired at the end of the day. 

 Before and After?

 That's my sis' new bedroom, do you not love how bright but somehow still warm it is? I love it and I am super happy for her.

Tomorrow I'll be posting the some odds 'n ends and some more product detail if you're interested in how much we spent :)


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