Nursery Update
You know the 2nd kid doesn't get nearly as spoiled as the first one. Well, yeah that's the case here too.
Yesterday morning when I went in to get Liv I looked around the nursery and it was so drab and I hadn't changed a thing since it was Gwen's room. Literally all the same decor and everything said "Gwen" on it. Oops.
I guess I got busy with Gwen's new room I didn't touch the old one. But I've got to say it's the only room that has stayed the same for any period of time, 3+ years!
So I hopped to it and just used things I already had to spruce it up a bit.
Don't judge the before, I took it as is. And honestly you can't see that the floor is covered in toys. :)
I have more before pics but I didn't want to bombard you with pics.
(Sorry about the cellphone pics. They looked a lot brighter on my phone.)
Frame wall.
Spruced up the shelves.
And the sweet girl that has taught me so much and totally deserves it.
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