Mother's Day Printable

I am not going to lie, I totally forgot Mother's Day was even coming around let alone remembering a gift for my mom. I love my mom to death and she knows that and we're secure in our relationship so she won't be offended to find out I was casually looking at getting her something if it would be easy, inexpensive and shippable. If I got her anything at all.
::proceed to judge::
So I'm casually browsing Pinterest, it's seriously like a hobby or something to me. It's just one of those mindless things I do that doesn't take effort, like I imagine knitting would be and you're not looking for anything, just looking to look. Anyway, that took WAY too long to say that I ran across this cute frame and thought "aw, that's nice." Of course they're charging for it... that's fine. Everyone needs to make a buck, but I knew I could probably make it pretty easy.
Hehe. So I did. And I thought I'd offer it to you if there are any other last minute shoppers or just want to add it to what you already have.
So Mom, I hope you like it!
Here is where you can download your own. It might look weird when you pull it up but as long as you make sure you change your print setup to "portrait" you should be good.
Happy Mother's Day!


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