Home Tour: Family Room
We love our house but one thing I felt was lacking was an extra living space. I know that it's something that is above and beyond, but I felt we needed another space to live in, watch tv, laundry, etc. outside of the living room. When you walk into our house you're immediately in our living room and it can be a little overwhelming if you have every function of the house going on -boom- in your face.
After brainstorming and determination, we created one. Our house has a 1 car garage, and I don't know about you but that doesn't hold much of a car. And truth be told, we just continued to fill it with junk. So in the layout of the house, behind the garage is our laundry room which we had already planned to renovate after having to fix a leak...under the tile floor. Yeah. Isn't home ownership a blast?!
When using garage space for anything other than that the automatic reaction is--garage conversion. Ahem ::clears throat::. I don't think so. ((maybe I am a snob) but for good reason) I have yet to find or see a tasteful one. Is it me, or when your driveway pulls up to a window or a wall it's awful and awkward? But I also wanted to keep some storage for holiday décor, stroller, tools etc. So the final plan we settled on was to keep the front half of the garage for storage (still being able to utilize the door, aka-not weird looking), build a wall, and take down the laundry room wall separating it from the garage. Making one larger space that sort of makes sense.
This is what we turned it into...
{Family Room}
We put this place to work, these are just some of the "rooms" it becomes...
-Family Room
-TV Room
-TV Room
-Office Space
-Laundry Room
-Piano Room
-Crafting Room
-Toy Room
{Alternate View}
Laundry behind bifold doors. Office area to the left.
Thanks to our Ikea entertainment center we try to stay semi-organized.
The green boxes hold extra office supplies, cords etc. The magazine folders hold mailing envelopes, paperwork, rarely used cookbooks. White boxes hold photos and kids craft items. Rattan baskets hold dvd binders and toys.
This concludes the Home tour.
I'm glad you all stopped by and took a look around. Hope you enjoyed our home.
If you missed any part you can check out:
The Living Room
The Master Bedroom
The Kid's Rooms
If you missed any part you can check out:
The Living Room
The Master Bedroom
The Kid's Rooms
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