Design Star

Have any of you been watching Design Star? Somehow I didn't know the new season had started and one of the bloggers I follow was talking about it. Thanks to Hulu (the only way I get to watch my shows), I got caught up last night.

So...let's be for real here. Seriously, Cathy? Ya. Don't think so. I'm thinking she might be next to go. Like literally, she's not even stylish. She dresses like Hillary Clinton, would you want Hillary designing your space? I about busted when I saw her "banquette" on the penthouse challenge! Horrible. And I am over hearing about her world travels. Can I get a witness?
I tell you the one that caught me off guard was Leslie, from Dallas. When she first walked in I thought, "what a hot mess". That was the most hideous studded leather jacket I'd ever seen, and she wore it everyday for like 3 days! But she is surprisingly stylish and creative. She still wears the boots but hey, if she really is a Texas native.
Then there's Kellie. I think I would have the most in common with her out of all of them. Her style is really classic but functional.
Since I haven't mentioned any of the guys doesn't mean they aren't amazing as well, but non of them have really captured me yet with their sense of style. Some of them have done some really neat projects but I still haven't really been caught up into what they're about.
And omw, did you watch this last episode where -what's his name- got kicked off. Holy cow. The white leather sofa?! Really? That's something I would've expected to see in a pimps house, and the salmon wall? ::gag:: I loved Genevieve- "it's the color of organ meat!"
If any of you are slightly interested in interiors you'll love this show. I've also been watching MasterChef. I really don't enjoy cooking in the slightest, but I love the show. I thought maybe it would help interest me but no success so far.
Have any of you been watching the show? What do you think, who's your favorite?


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